We are excited to announce that 1for2 Social Innovation has become a proud member of the Diverse Leaders in Tech community. This partnership aligns with our mission to foster safe and inclusive workplaces through our External Confidential Counseling Services. About Diverse Leaders in Tech: The Diverse Leaders in Tech community is dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within […]
Author: Webmaster

More than 13% of employees in the Netherlands experience unwanted behavior from colleagues or supervisors. The consequences are significant; for employees, it leads to health issues and, for companies, it results in reputation damage, absenteeism, and unrest. Victims of unwanted behavior become less proactive and report sick more often. Absenteeism is on average 7 days […]

Chris Voss is the FBI’s top kidnapping negotiator. He’s negotiated with 100s of hostage-takers and international terrorists. His 10 actionable tips to master the art of negotiation and never split the difference.
Update: Culture Change
Government Commissioner for sexual misconduct and sexual violenceNew guidance against sexual misconduct focuses on cultural change in the workplace Government commissioner for sexual misconduct and sexual violence Mariëtte Hamer is releasing a new edition of the guide for organizations on sexual misconduct in the workplace. This follows a prototype that appeared last year. The most […]
Increase in Reported Suspicions of Misconduct in 2023 In 2023, 369 individuals who suspected misconduct at work contacted the House for Whistleblowers (Huis voor Klokkenluiders) for advice. This marked a 50% increase compared to the previous year. The complexity of the suspected misconducts also increased. The implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Act and media attention […]
DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION / ARTICLE by BCG JANUARY 04, 2024 We found this interesting BCG publication by Nadjia Yousif, Ashley Dartnell, Gretchen May, and Elizabeth Knarr and felt compelled to share it here. If you read through here, you understand why we are excited about this research, which ties Psychological safety to retention and workplace satisfaction. The Services […]
Hello world!
Here is our new website, lovingly created in Rotterdam!
INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL? In the latest issue of Dentista, the professional magazine for the dental world (dentists/orthodontists), this article, to which we contributed, was recently published. Lately, there has been increasing attention to unwanted behavior in the workplace. However, this attention has not yet led to a decrease in such behavior. As a result, the […]
The total number of confidential counselors in the Netherlands has significantly increased over the past five years. At the beginning of 2018, there were 199 confidential counselors registered with the Chamber of Commerce (KVK). In the fourth quarter of 2023, this number has almost quadrupled to 889 confidential counselors. Number of Confidential Counselors in the […]
Een burgemeester die beticht wordt van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag, een voor corruptie veroordeelde wethouder die toch terug mag keren of raadsleden die elkaar aan de haren trekken. De afgelopen jaren raakten meer dan honderd lokale bestuurders in opspraak, maar het zicht op misstanden is beperkt.