Confidential Counseling Integrity Mental Health Psychological Safety Sexual misconduct

Addressing Boundary-Crossing Behavior:

Building Awareness Around Workplace Safety Reports of boundary-crossing behavior, intimidation, and abuse of power are increasing. These issues affect organizations across industries, from media companies and sports associations to universities and hospitals. Some well-known incidents include: • The Voice of Holland 🎤: Investigations revealed a lack of timely action against reported misconduct. • Radboud University 🎓: The […]

Confidential Counseling Organizational Culture Psychological Safety Training Transgressive Behaviour

Transgressive Behavior in the Workplace

How Do You Prepare? 🚨 On November 20, 2024, AWVN is hosting an important course that teaches employers how to prevent, recognize, and address transgressive behavior in the workplace. Led by lawyer and mediator Esther van den Bergh, this session will cover essential questions like: 🔗 Read more about the course and Register! After the course… what’s the next […]

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Organizational Culture Psychological Safety Training

Navigating Employee Activism

What Leaders Can Learn Amidst Societal Change As we witness societal unrest here in the Netherlands on Budget Day (Algemene Beschouwingen after Prinsjesdag), with public debates surrounding government policies, climate protests, and farmer demonstrations, it’s evident that these issues permeate into the workplace. More and more, employees are bringing their values and convictions into their […]

Confidential Counseling Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Organizational Culture Psychological Safety Training

Embracing Equal Opportunities

How the AWVN Toolbox is Shaping Inclusive Workplaces Inclusivity in the workplace isn’t just a trend; it’s a fundamental shift in how organizations approach talent and growth. The AWVN (General Employers’ Association in the Netherlands) has developed a groundbreaking resource with their Toolbox “Gelijke Kansen op de Arbeidsmarkt” (translated: Equal Opportunities on the Labor Market […]

Confidential Counseling Psychological Safety Sexual misconduct Transgressive Behaviour

New Code of Conduct to Combat Misconduct in Student Associations

On June 18, 2024, 49 student associations signed a code of conduct aimed at combating misconduct within their organizations. This new code, presented to caretaker Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf, emphasizes the importance of safeguarding respect, integrity, and responsibility. While many associations have already appointed internal confidants and established internal guidelines, the question remains whether […]

Confidential Counseling Integrity

Confidential Counselor, Internal or External?

INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL? In the latest issue of Dentista, the professional magazine for the dental world (dentists/orthodontists), this article, to which we contributed, was recently published. Lately, there has been increasing attention to unwanted behavior in the workplace. However, this attention has not yet led to a decrease in such behavior. As a result, the […]

Confidential Counseling

Number of confidential counselors has significantly increased in the past five years.

The total number of confidential counselors in the Netherlands has significantly increased over the past five years. At the beginning of 2018, there were 199 confidential counselors registered with the Chamber of Commerce (KVK). In the fourth quarter of 2023, this number has almost quadrupled to 889 confidential counselors. Number of Confidential Counselors in the […]