Coaching Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Organizational Culture Psychological Safety

Leading at the Top:

The Hidden Loneliness of Leadership This week, we dove into an article that explores the hidden pressures of the C-suite, a subject that continues to inspire our work in executive coaching and leadership development. The piece highlights how CEOs, despite their outward success, often grapple with loneliness, the weight of critical decisions, and the delicate […]

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Organizational Culture Psychological Safety

Redefining Sisterhood in the Workplace

A Response to ‘Why We Hate Women” Over the years, I’ve witnessed the incredible power of sisterhood in the workplace—when it’s at its best, it’s a force that can uplift, inspire, and drive meaningful change. But as much as I’ve seen the strength that comes from women supporting women, I’ve also seen the other side. […]

Confidential Counseling Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Organizational Culture Psychological Safety Training

Creativity to ensure DEI and Psychological Safety in the Face of Budget Cuts

At 1for2 Social Innovation, we’ve recently had some discussions with clients and prospects facing budget constraints related to investments in psychological safety and organizational culture, due to DEI fatigue (Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity) among leadership. While some see inclusivity and its outcome psychological safety at the workplace, as an area to cut, the majority recognize its […]