Confidential Counseling Integrity

Confidential Counselor, Internal or External?

INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL? In the latest issue of Dentista, the professional magazine for the dental world (dentists/orthodontists), this article, to which we contributed, was recently published. Lately, there has been increasing attention to unwanted behavior in the workplace. However, this attention has not yet led to a decrease in such behavior. As a result, the […]

Confidential Counseling

Number of confidential counselors has significantly increased in the past five years.

The total number of confidential counselors in the Netherlands has significantly increased over the past five years. At the beginning of 2018, there were 199 confidential counselors registered with the Chamber of Commerce (KVK). In the fourth quarter of 2023, this number has almost quadrupled to 889 confidential counselors. Number of Confidential Counselors in the […]


Mayors, aldermen, and council members embroiled in controversy: ‘Integrity is a black box.’

Een burgemeester die beticht wordt van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag, een voor corruptie veroordeelde wethouder die toch terug mag keren of raadsleden die elkaar aan de haren trekken. De afgelopen jaren raakten meer dan honderd lokale bestuurders in opspraak, maar het zicht op misstanden is beperkt.