Psychological Safety Sexual misconduct Transgressive Behaviour

Revised Legislation to Combat Sexual Misconduct

As of July 1, 2024, the Netherlands has introduced the new Sexual Misconduct Act, marking a significant step forward in the fight against sexual violence and harassment. This legislation better protects victims by broadening the definitions of rape and assault to include situations where consent was clearly absent, even without the presence of physical force […]

Confidential Counseling Organizational Culture Psychological Safety Sexual misconduct Training Transgressive Behaviour

We have joined Diverse Leaders in Tech

We are excited to announce that 1for2 Social Innovation has become a proud member of the Diverse Leaders in Tech community. This partnership aligns with our mission to foster safe and inclusive workplaces through our External Confidential Counseling Services. About Diverse Leaders in Tech: The Diverse Leaders in Tech community is dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within […]

Confidential Counseling Integrity Organizational Culture Psychological Safety Sexual misconduct Transgressive Behaviour

Unwanted Behavior: Inhumane and Costly

More than 13% of employees in the Netherlands experience unwanted behavior from colleagues or supervisors. The consequences are significant; for employees, it leads to health issues and, for companies, it results in reputation damage, absenteeism, and unrest. Victims of unwanted behavior become less proactive and report sick more often. Absenteeism is on average 7 days […]